Welcome to TweeNet, the official Web of the indiepop mailing list.
This is TweeNet Europe, located in Bremen, Germany. Other
branches of TweeNet can be found at:
Down Under courtesy of Mr. Robin Humble in Melbourne, Australia
Amercia courtesy of Mr. Steve Thorton in Seattle, Wa. United States
TweeNet Europe (this page) is courtesy of me, Pete
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to indiepop-list.
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Latest update was on December 1st, 1994
What I have so far
- Annemari and Harvey of The Field Mice in Birmingham on their last tour in October'91 (120k)
- Amelia Fletcher of Heavenly at the Underworld in Camden in August'91 (89k)
- My favourite German Indiepopband Jesterbells back in 1989. (103k)
- Stephen Pastel of The Pastels and James of the Orchids in the Glasgow in summer 89 (124k)
- Beat Happening in their 53rd & 3rd time. (156k)
- Tim and Latitia of Stereolab in 1990 (185k)
Related World-Wide-Web Pages
credits - these pages are done by Peter Hahndorf
e-Mail to: peter_hahndorf@hb2.maus.de
mails over 16K to: hahndorf@informatik.uni-bremen.de