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For Niceness (12") 1989
on Fairweather Recordings
- Search Party
- Ruminating
- Mind The Gap
- Pipeline
Electric Ladland (12") 1990
on Fairweather Recordings - Friend 03
- Honest To God
- Half An Ark
- Monkey Man
- Electric Ladland
Ming (12") 1990
on Fairweather Recordings - Friend 002
- Level X-ing
- Flowing On Some
- Funny Way Of Showing It
- Onionhead
On compilations:
on Bilberry Records - BILB 7
and Clarendon Records - W6 5CD
and Firestation Records - FST 50
- It Comes Around
Last updated: 31-Mar-2008 © 1994-2024 TweeNet Creative Commons License