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Individual Poll 2003 Vote
voted by:

favourite bands the year:
Rocky Dennis
Belle and Sebastian
Crime Time

the best pop songs:
Rocky Dennis - Black cab
Everyday Mistakes - Underlines
Broder Daniel - Shoreline

the best albums:
Belle and sebastian - Dear catastrophe waitress
Broder Daniel - Cruel Town
Radio dept. - Lesser matters

the most promising new acts:
Everyday mistakes
Crime Time

the most amazing live experiences:
Rocky Dennis - Mitt nästa liv
Lucksmiths - I confess
Crime Time - Cafe Björksta

the best record label:
Fabulous friends

most fancied indiepop personality:
Jens Lekman

best EP or mini-LP:
Rocky Dennis - Mapleleaves

cool mailing list or newsgroup besides indiepop:

best indie-pop web site:

best music file sharing service:

best paper fanzine or magazine:

best mail-order:
Last updated: 18-Dec-2003 © 1994-2024 TweeNet Creative Commons License