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Shalala list - Rules
as we have limited financial resources to run this list, it is important to keep to certain rules which will create less net traffic and make life on the list easier for everybody.

  • quoting
    there were a couple of posts, quoting the whole article they were referring to. It's easy to hit the reply button and add your own line to it, but this is not the way I (we) want it to be on this list. Quoting a 50 line article with two or more footers and than add a one line comment does not only wastes bandwidth, it wastes space in the archives and doesn't look very good either. There is something called "intelligent quoting", just repeat the short part you are referring to and delete the rest. Never quote other people's or the list's footer.

  • sales and want lists
    As mentioned somewhere in the invitation we don't want any sales auctions or adverts here. This is also true for long want-lists, this should be a discussions only list. I know it is a temptation to reach many like-minded people here but you can always add an URL to the end of one of your messages pointing to your web-site where you have set up your lists for whatever.

  • No flames
    If someone says something you find offensive, either respond to them politely, or take it off the list. If someone attacks you personally, it is not OK to attack them back. I don't care who started it. Personal abuse and inflammatory language will not be tolerated. You can argue ideas, but only in civil language. Repeated violations of this rule are the only grounds for removal from the list.

  • No spam.
    The mailing list is not an appropriate place for non-indiepop-related commercial messages (Skinny Dip Thigh Cream, Make Money Fast, Green Card Lawyers, Drug Test Beaters, etc.) or the retailing of Urban Legends (Sick boy wants business cards, Neiman-Marcus cookie stories, Olga seeks American men, Joe Blow wants a million emails, chain letters, etc.). Most of the funny stories have been passed around the internet for years and years; we don't want them. Any message you receive that includes the words "please forward this message to as many of your friends as possible" should not be forwarded here.

  • Commercial posts
    Contrary to the indiepop list, we don't want any commercial messages, not even those indiepop-related ones. If you want to let the list know about your product or service (bands, labels, gigs, records, fanzines, radio shows, web pages, mail-order etc.) ask another list-member to review it.

  • Content
    Discussions should be related to pop music. This list is a form of community, and we are interested in what you have to say. However, you should try to include some content in your messages. One-line replies along the lines of "Yes", "No", "Me too", "I don't agree", "What?" and so forth should be avoided. If you have something concrete to add, do so; if you don't, please refrain.

  • Message formatting
    Email is a plain-text medium. None of the expressive indicators of speech, handwriting, or even word-processing, are available. This means that things like spelling, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, and clear writing are extremely important if you wish to be understood. No one is going to flame you (see above) if you misplel some words, but if your messages come in solid unpunctuated, unparagraphed blocks, people will tend to ignore them. Use short paragraphs!

    Messages should be no more than 80 characters in width; 72-76 characters is better, to allow for replies. Most mail software will wrap messages appropriately; if yours does not, you may have to insert hard returns yourself. If you are using HTML-enabled mail software make sure you still send plain text messages to this list only.

    There is a 20,000 character limit on the length of messages to the list. This is well over ten 24-line screens of dense text, so you are unlikely to hit this limit. If you do, your message will bounce to the listowner (that's me), and I will tell you to reformat it or break it up into multiplemessages. This limit is imposed by the software, not by policy.

  • Replies
    This is a busy mailing list; there are a lot of messages, and often the subject header alone is not sufficient to tell us what you're referring to. When you reply to an existing thread, either include some text from a previous message, or summarize briefly, so we know what you're talking about.

    Don't go overboard with quoted material, though. Trim as much as possible from the included text without losing the meaning. Remove header and signature information. It is extremely frustrating to read an entire long quoted article only to find a single line of added material.

    Please set off the text of the message you are replying to in some way from your responses. The usual way is by preceding the lines of the original text with '> '. Your mail software should do this for you; if it doesn't, find some other way of indicating whose text is written by whom.

    Always add a blank line between blocks of quoted text and your own. If people cannot clearly distinguish your material from the quotations, they may miss it.

  • Signatures
    Some mailers do not process list mail correctly, and fail to indicate the original sender. You should always append a short signature file of some sort that indicates at least your name and email address. Please resist the temptation to include gigantic graphics and reams of clever quotes in your signature; anything over four lines is unnecessary and irritating.

    thanks to Steve Thornton for letting me steal most of this from the indie-pop-list rules

  • Last updated: 13-Aug-2000 © 1994-2025 TweeNet Creative Commons License